Credit card manipulation and misuse has become a common form of online fraud that people have to deal with today. The cases have worsened over the years as more people find it convenient to shop with their credit cards via the internet. All that a fraud merchant needs from you is the security code, expiration date of the card, your billing address and the card number for them to have full access to your credit card. Virtual credit cards are card numbers that are generated randomly to throw off phishers from your actual credit card and unicc CVV. There are charge amounts set for the virtual credit card including when it will expire. The major benefit of using virtual cards is in the protection you get when it comes to hiding your actual credit card number when you are making payments. Here are some things you should know concerning virtual credit cards today.
Amplified online security
There are a number of features that make virtual credit cards secure than regular options. Since regular credit cards are highly vulnerable to online attacks, people resort to virtual credit cards for features like ability to determine maximum spending limit on the card. It also prevents criminals online from knowing your actual card number as they can use that against you. It is besides very easy to terminate the virtual credit cards whenever you want or notice any suspicious activity going on.
Able to track your spending
Thanks to virtual credit cards keeping track of your expenses has been made very easy. There is improved efficiency and transparency in your online payments all because of the simplified access and management. Assigning virtual cards to vendors or suppliers you work with is furthermore simplified. You enjoy a more secure and discreet mode of transferring payments to online retailers thanks to the features that come with virtual credit cards and their protection measures.
Low cost of management and transaction charges
Actual banks have proven to be manageable in terms of fees charged. You even have the possibility of winning cash rebates by making simple payments. You should however use virtual banks because of their zero costs or charges on transactions. Use of virtual banks can allow for you to save thanks to the cash backs that come in form of promotion by the digital bank. Access and managing your account details is beside simplified on your phones.
Enjoy ecommerce convenience
Virtual banks give you a lot of flexibility to work with when it comes to working hours. Unlike traditional banks, virtual banks are fully operational regardless of the time you need their assistance. It eliminates the tedious paper work involved and most importantly eliminates the different errors that one may make in manual applications. All your transactions can be done from the comfort of your PC or phone rather than visiting a physical branch to execute your payments.