A classic individual office is an ideal space for concentrated work without distracting disruptive factors. Here the employee himself determines the general conditions of his work. There is also the option of designing the office individually, making working more pleasant and promoting productivity.

Factors such as lighting, room temperature, and fresh air supply are also not controversial factors in individual offices. Another advantage is the existing privacy for phone calls and confidential customer meetings. Particularly in winter, individual offices can also help keep your company’s sickness rate as low as possible due to the lower risk of infection.

The isolation of your employees speaks against the establishment of individual offices. The spatial separation makes direct communication, creative exchange, and possibly teamwork within the workforce more difficult.

Small Offices as A Flexible Compromise Solution

Small offices for two to four employees are a compromise between open space concepts and individual offices. Small offices are also an attractive compromise in terms of costs. Many people find the somewhat more private atmosphere to be enjoyable.

It offers a combination of productive exchange, social interaction, individual workplace design, and the opportunity to concentrate on one another through simple consideration. This is unthinkable without noise protection measures in an open-space office with 10, 15, or 20 employees.

Should the Boss Sit in The Middle or Have A Private Office?

As an entrepreneur or senior manager, you naturally have a particular position in your company. The question of whether you move into a single office or whether you also take a seat in an open-plan office arises automatically. However, this decision has not only to do with personal sensitivities but also with tangible performance factors. You can also beautify the entrance of your office with logo floor mats.

Open Space Concepts: Advantages and Disadvantages

Open space offices are particularly popular with start-ups. After all, you promise a particularly social, innovative, and busy working atmosphere. However, for employers, such solutions also offer a cost advantage through saved office space compared to individual offices. Workplaces can be set up and dismantled quickly and easily, which benefits the efficient use of space and the quick integration of new employees.

The significant disadvantage of open space concepts, however, is the distraction caused by the existing volume. We perceive values ​​of 55 decibels as stress. The conversations between employees, loud phone calls, the clatter of keyboards, and the clatter of printers mean that this value is quickly reached.